Peter Ernst Eiffe & Friends

Participating artists: Yuji Agematsu, Christian Bau, KP Brehmer, Peter-Ernst Eiffe, Jef Geys, iLL, Heino Jaeger, Jacqueline de Jong, Sigmar Polke, Recht auf Stadt und Alles Allen, Chris Reinecke, Annette Wehrmann and Laura Ziegler


Peter Ernst Eiffe became famous during the protests of May 1968 in Hamburg for the absurdist slogans that he wrote with a felt-tip pen on everything from traffic signs to mailboxes, subway walls to department store price tags. This reached a climax when he drove into the Hauptbahnhof with his Fiat Topolino proclaiming the “Freie Eiffe-Republik”, leading to his institutionalization in the psychiatric ward of Ochsenzoll.


These activities aimed to expose what he saw to be the absurdity of daily life in post-war capitalist West Germany, and although an outsider to the formal art system, his singular and noticeably avant-garde activities were akin to many artistic and political strategies in post-war Europe.


The group exhibition shows documentation of Eiffe’s absurdist slogans and agit-prop activities in context with historic artistic positions of his time, while showing how the themes of this story are reflected in more recent artistic positions and forms of political protest today. Touching on the relationship between the urban subject and public space; the demand for art to take a position in public political life; the authority and function of the artist’s signature; and the use of satire, irony, and humor as a mode of critique.

Available works of the artist

Chris Reinecke, Nicht für Augen, Nase, Mund, Ohren, Hände, Füße, 1969
Chris Reinecke, Nicht für Augen, Nase, Mund, Ohren, Hände, Füße, 1969
Chris Reinecke, Gesichtsteile (mit Kaffeetasse), 1965, © Chris Reinecke
Chris Reinecke, Gesichtsteile (mit Kaffeetasse), 1965, © Chris Reinecke
Chris Reinecke, PACKUNG - weiblicher Körper, 1968
Chris Reinecke, Veränderlich - Watteobjekt, 1969
Chris Reinecke, Nicht-Appetizer, 1969
Chris Reinecke, Schutz vor Anfassen, 1969
Chris Reinecke, PACKUNG 2 - männliche Anatomie, 1968
Chris Reinecke, Gespräch zwischen stehender und liegender Person (Blauer Faden), 1969
Chris Reinecke, Konzept für Aktion mit dem Blauen Faden, 1969
Chris Reinecke, Gesichtsteile (roter Mund), 1965
Chris Reinecke, Ähnliches, Differentes, Gleiches / Pferdebild, 1981
Chris Reinecke, Animali / Ober- und Unterstadt, 2008 – 2016
Chris Reinecke, Ansteigendes Wasser, 2006
Chris Reinecke, Deklinierte Flächen / Matrix, 2020, © Chris Reinecke, Foto: Linda Inconi-Jansen
Chris Reinecke, Deutschlandbilder No 1, 1989, © © Chris Reinecke, photo: Mareike Foecking
Chris Reinecke, Deutschlandbilder No 2, 1989, © © Chris Reinecke, photo: Mareike Foecking
Chris Reinecke, Tierbilder, 1983
Chris Reinecke, Wege der Bewegung. Marsroute., 2018, © Chris Reinecke
Chris Reinecke, Wider alle Vernunft / Ferguson, 1992 – 2015

Past exhibitions at Beck & Eggeling

Selected Publications of the Artist

Chris Reinecke. Zeit und Arbeit. Momente.

Chris Reinecke. Zeit und Arbeit. Momente.

  • Artist: Chris Reinecke
    Editor: Susanne Rennert
    Text: Susanne Rennert
    Design: Beck & Eggeling (Antonia Eggeling)
  • English, German
    Hardcover, 28,5 x 24 cm
    128 pages, 68 illustrations
  • Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, 2016
    ISBN 978-3-94606304-9
  • 28 €
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